The completion of chasseur companies belonging to the Beon and Damas Legions will allow me to field some rifle-armed troops for the Allies. Both of these corps were originally recruited in the service of the Dutch. With that country's collapse, these corps transferred to the British. Both had a fine reputation, with many French emigres serving in them. Both were effectively destroyed in the Quiberon Bay disaster. (NB.The French republic had a policy of executing any captured emigres.)
There are several descriptions, prints etc for the uniforms worn by Beon and Damas chasseurs, slight changes may have occurred when the British Army took charge. I have chosen to keep the orange facings for Beon, and orange sword knots for both units to confirm their earlier service.
I think these Hinchliffe Austrian Jaeger castings have painted up quite nicely as émigré chasseurs. And no army can move without a vanguard, and suitable troops for outpost duties. MGB