Decided to spend some time clearing my spares box. Nearly 100 brown bess muskets, charleville muskets, and some civilian firelocks and carbines are now painted and ready. Also cleared some baggage items. MGB
Wargame Rules, Ratios, etc
I am very keen to keep my wargame rules as simple as possible, yet capture the character of the 1790s. Morale dominates the games as the opposing sides are very different. Most of the French troops are 'levee' battalions, which I have chosen to base in column as their ability to change formation on a battlefield must have been limited, nor do I believe their volley fire had any great value. Of better quality, able to change formation, will be white-coated regular and blue-coated volunteer battalions, aided by a fair number of skirmishers. The British, Austrian, Dutch and German armies are often outnumbered, but they maintain the discipline and order of typical 18th century armed forces. Interestingly, French revolutionary cavalry have little in common with their later Napoleonic counterparts, the former are few in number, often poorly mounted, and no match for those in the service of the Allies. All figures are 28mm in scale, using a 1=25 ratio.
Thursday, 29 December 2016
Monday, 19 December 2016
I already had a make-shift horse artillery for my Emigre/German Salm Hussars but I really wanted something better. I'm a lot happier with this model. Converted Hinchcliffe figures and galloper gun with my own bearskin-crested hats. MGB

Salm Artillery
Saturday, 17 December 2016
The 4th South Carolina (Artillery) Regiment 1776
Just completed two galloper guns for my South Carolina Artillery Regiment, serving in the American Revolution. Interestingly, this unit was able, apparently, to serve as horse artillerymen, and included limber riders as part of their formation. The figures are converted Hinchcliffe X-range.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Can muster a few more command bases for my AWI Crown and Revolutionary armies. The figures are Fife and Drum, with an Old Glory, and several converted X-RANGE from Hinchcliffe.
AWI collection
Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Presently working on a load of wagons and carts from Hinchcliffe. Started off by converting a galloper gun into a water-barrel cart. Replaced the very small wheels on another barrel cart, and used them with some spares to construct a baggage wagon, for the 4th South Carolina (Artillery) Regiment. Must say I enjoyed working on them. Another twenty or so carts and cannon to complete.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
British Grenadier Battalion 1770s
As part of my Hezzlewood/Fife and Drum collection for the AWI, have just completed a battalion of grenadiers. Each company musters 4-5 figures using a ratio of 1=10men. These castings are X-Range available from Hinchcliffe Miniatures.
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
14th Demi-Brigade Legere and French Line Grenadiers, 1790s
Have been working on my French Revolutionary army. Finally completed the first eight of my own castings portraying the 14th Demi-Brigade Legere, in their distinctive mirliton hats. And also topped up a line grenadier unit to sixteen figures. MGB
Friday, 9 September 2016
18th Century Coach and Horses (Westfalia Forge)
Have just completed my Westfalia Forge casting, available from Crann Tara Miniatures in the UK. I also had a few AWI figures going spare and converted them into some livery-dressed coachmen. This vehicle will now serve as a roving HQ for my British FRW army. MGB
Monday, 15 August 2016
Wargaming the American Revolution (Game Report)
A group of SKG3 members gathered in Devon recently to fight a wargame set in South Carolina, during the American Revolution. To inspire us all to raise and paint up our collections, players are allowed to raise armies without restriction on points or numbers that are fielded, as long as time and effort has been made to paint and base them in an attractive manner. To put it another way, there are no point or numerically balanced armies in history. This system has certainly inspired us all to clear those lead figures, if only to field something new each time we play a game.
I took up the dubious position of raising the Rebel Americans, to be commanded by a family member, Chris. Opposing us was a largely elite force of Crown light troops under George, and a diverse contribution of German mercenaries and native Indians under Lucas. There was a possibility that Lucas would arrive late from work, and we included this into the game, giving George the expectation of reinforcements.
Our House rules played extremely well and although it ended in a tactical draw all agreed it had been a spirited action. Here are a few photos from the game which was played over two evenings. While the Rebels were able to inflict heavier casualties it was the splendid showing of the 63rd Foot which took the glory, their volleys driving off larger numbers, and while they broke on occasions it was special to see them rally and once more enter the fray. MGB
I took up the dubious position of raising the Rebel Americans, to be commanded by a family member, Chris. Opposing us was a largely elite force of Crown light troops under George, and a diverse contribution of German mercenaries and native Indians under Lucas. There was a possibility that Lucas would arrive late from work, and we included this into the game, giving George the expectation of reinforcements.
Our House rules played extremely well and although it ended in a tactical draw all agreed it had been a spirited action. Here are a few photos from the game which was played over two evenings. While the Rebels were able to inflict heavier casualties it was the splendid showing of the 63rd Foot which took the glory, their volleys driving off larger numbers, and while they broke on occasions it was special to see them rally and once more enter the fray. MGB
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
18th Century Pigs and Pigsty
Work continues on my farming community. Here is my recently completed pigsty, being French farmers, the pigs are Ass Black Limousine, correct for the period. Figures were purchased from Crann Tara in the UK. The pigs are heavily restored 1930s toys.
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Georgian Miniatures in a Georgian Cabinet
Shamed by others who have found a system to store and display their 28mm collections, I decided to keep an eye out for something that might provide an answer. Here is my new acquisition from a local charity shop. Costing only £30, its a fair piece of reproduction furniture, and came with hardly a scratch. When I add to the number of glass shelves, and some rewiring to restore the internal lighting, it should be able to hold all my 18th century collections. There are some superb buys to be had in secondhand brown furniture, and they will last considerably longer than much of the popular and contemporary rubbish in production.
ps. Hope followers like the new column for 'labels' which may serve to find previous entries on this blog.
ps. Hope followers like the new column for 'labels' which may serve to find previous entries on this blog.
Thursday, 23 June 2016
Farmers prepare for Market Day
Have been working on some 1930s Brittains/John Hill farm animals. Here are some 18th century Tamworth pigs being taken to market. Its been a real pleasure restoring these old toys: working with milliput and wire, and new paintwork. The farmers are available from Crann Tara in the UK.
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
More X-RANGE painted and ready for the AWI
With several members in my living history group raising 28mm AWI figures to wage war on my Rebels, I have been forced to clear some lead figures, to better protect my Georgian town from potential attacks. Here is my South Carolina Artillery, also known an the 4th SC Regiment. They appear to have operated both field and garrison carriages in different actions so I have not attached them to a particular piece. Several castings have had the heads converted, others have been replaced. Arms and legs manipulated with pliers. Have also raised a number of Delaware Continentals to better support my numerous militia.
AWI collection
Thursday, 2 June 2016
French Marines, Navy, and Privateers prepare for War!
Have been working on my French Marine battalion. Decided it was time to muster all my Revolutionary naval forces. Still lots of work to do repairing, improving, and augmenting. MGB
Sunday, 1 May 2016
Having constructed my Georgian town and harbour, it was time to improve its defences. Accordingly, here is my new Martello tower. I picked up the wooden pot in a charity shop for 50p, the red rotating frame and carriage is made out of left-over plastic sprue, the barrel is a Hinchcliffe Model's 18pdr. These towers were common in the Mediterranean and they impressed the Royal Navy enough for the British Crown to start constructing the same in our colonies in 1796, and in Great Britain and Ireland from 1804. A typical garrison mustered less than thirty men. I think this model will be a useful addition to my French Revolutionary scenarios. MGB
Martello Tower
Monday, 18 April 2016
Dutch Artillery Crews, 1793, Painted and Ready
Have now completed two Dutch artillery crews for my British/Dutch/Emigre army for the early years of the French Revolutionary Wars. Still don't know what make they are but the repaint job has certainly tidied them up. I drilled metal rods into two figures to secure miliput plumes, but decided to leave the epaulettes as I now believe the foot artillery also adopted such. Still to decide whether to permanently base these figures to two 12pdrs cannon on wheeled carriages, or keep them as they are for occasional service with fortress guns. MGB
Dutch Army 1793-5
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
Dutch Artillery for the 1790s
On another forum a reference was made to a Dutch artillery piece up on an auction. What I found interesting was the carriage paintwork. But is this genuine, and appropriate for the 1793-5 campaign? With growing ties to Prussia, I am assuming the Dutch used Prussian artillery pieces, moving over to Gribeauval with the Batavian Republic.
I also have several French gunners, that were given to me by a friend, which a fair number of us have been unable to ascribe to a manufacturer. As they are somewhat tall, and distinctively thin, I did not wish to integrate them into my Dixon/Foundry French army but, rather, have decided to convert them into Dutch.
The Dutch foot artillery 'may' have had shoulder straps, while the horse artillery had epaulettes. Cecil C.P. Lawson mentions a unit which was formed in 1793 by Captain Nacquard and comprised Dutch and French emigres. Not only did it give excellent service, later transferring to the British Army, but he reports that they had red epaulettes with white edge and fringe.

I also have several French gunners, that were given to me by a friend, which a fair number of us have been unable to ascribe to a manufacturer. As they are somewhat tall, and distinctively thin, I did not wish to integrate them into my Dixon/Foundry French army but, rather, have decided to convert them into Dutch.
The Dutch foot artillery 'may' have had shoulder straps, while the horse artillery had epaulettes. Cecil C.P. Lawson mentions a unit which was formed in 1793 by Captain Nacquard and comprised Dutch and French emigres. Not only did it give excellent service, later transferring to the British Army, but he reports that they had red epaulettes with white edge and fringe.
Mark Allen also directed me to a period drawing which shows what was probably their campaign dress, with distinctive hats and half-gaiters. The other paintings came from that excellent resource
ps. Would welcome comments on this subject, particularly on Dutch gun carriage paintwork.
Dutch Army 1793-5
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