Wargame Rules, Ratios, etc


I am very keen to keep my wargame rules as simple as possible, yet capture the character of the 1790s. Morale dominates the games as the opposing sides are very different. Most of the French troops are 'levee' battalions, which I have chosen to base in column as their ability to change formation on a battlefield must have been limited, nor do I believe their volley fire had any great value. Of better quality, able to change formation, will be white-coated regular and blue-coated volunteer battalions, aided by a fair number of skirmishers. The British, Austrian, Dutch and German armies are often outnumbered, but they maintain the discipline and order of typical 18th century armed forces. Interestingly, French revolutionary cavalry have little in common with their later Napoleonic counterparts, the former are few in number, often poorly mounted, and no match for those in the service of the Allies. All figures are 28mm in scale, using a 1=25 ratio.


Tuesday, 26 January 2016

35th Regiment of Foot c1775

Work continues on my Hezzlewood castings for the AWI. Here is my first British battalion representing the 35th Foot, noted for their orange (or deep yellow) facings. Next is the 56th, which served at Gibraltar.  MGB

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Devonshire Volunteers c1794

My British 1790s army recently gained a new addition when I finally completed the Sidmouth Volunteers. With their bearskin-crested top hats, and blue faced with yellow jackets they are quite colourful, and will add to any scenarios involving French landings. MGB

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Farm Livestock restored

Inspired by the Kingdom of Wittenberg blog, I purchased a packet of very old toy farm animals in an antiques shop. At £12 they weren't cheap, but I don't regret it. With less than half their original paint, some of the pigs were missing tails, the rabbit/hare had only one ear, the cattle had several casting holes. And mould lines were also very visible. But it was simple and fun to replace and restore these miniatures, using miliput and wire, including some horns for the cattle.
I'm taking these models a step further having decided to paint the pigs as ASS BLACK LIMOUSIN, while the cattle will be BLOND D'AQUITAINE, both these breeds were around in the 18th century.  I have also started work on my blacksmith models from Crann Tara to go with my completed Shop. MGB

Friday, 1 January 2016


I had several painted sans culottes in my spares box, and was keen to use them. Previous attempts to capture the 'mob', or violent rioters, had never quite looked right. I think it was the basing of my figures which had let them down. This larger round base seems to work a lot better. As for the flag, I have read an account of some 'political types' having presented a banner to the French Assembly with a brief description that it was a tricolour with the heads of black, white, and mixed-race persons. When I came across the modern reconstruction, I decided to reproduce it in miniature, with the red section to the pole, in keeping with most pre-1794 flags. I can see my collection including a few more of these round-based mobs as they add something peculiar to my French Revolutionary army. Have also completed a white-coated command base from some spares. MGB