Finally, the Dutch are now able to furnish some cavalry to support the three understrength British mounted units. But its still nowhere near the number the Revolutionaries can field. This regiment numbered less than 250 men and were often referred to as the Red Hussars.
Well don't ask me why, bought this in a charity shop for £3. I blame Allan at the Wittenberg Blog for the purchase. But I do have a feeling there are some fun projects lurking in this model, and I still have a fair number of fine cast wheels etc in my spares box. Happy Christmas!
Wargame Rules, Ratios, etc
I am very keen to keep my wargame rules as simple as possible, yet capture the character of the 1790s. Morale dominates the games as the opposing sides are very different. Most of the French troops are 'levee' battalions, which I have chosen to base in column as their ability to change formation on a battlefield must have been limited, nor do I believe their volley fire had any great value. Of better quality, able to change formation, will be white-coated regular and blue-coated volunteer battalions, aided by a fair number of skirmishers. The British, Austrian, Dutch and German armies are often outnumbered, but they maintain the discipline and order of typical 18th century armed forces. Interestingly, French revolutionary cavalry have little in common with their later Napoleonic counterparts, the former are few in number, often poorly mounted, and no match for those in the service of the Allies. All figures are 28mm in scale, using a 1=25 ratio.
Sunday, 17 December 2017
Saturday, 2 December 2017
Dismounted Augereau Hussar-Guides take the Field
Just completed a dismounted troop of Augereau Hussar-Guides for my French Revolutionary army. The figures are actually designed for the mid-18th century, and produced by Crann Tara Miniatures. Because of their earlier portrayal, I used a knife to alter the bow-cockade for something like a round-cockade, appropriate for the 1790s. I must say, the figures arrived totally free of flash, and they are exquisite miniatures, what I call anatomically correct, no caricatures here. Hope my painting does them justice.
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Legion du Midi c.1792 takes the field
Having raised a small battalion of chasseurs some time ago, I've finally completed two squadrons of light horse for the Legion du Midi. These are my own castings, and their lighter blue uniforms add a lot of colour to the French Revolutionary Army.
Sunday, 12 November 2017
18th Century Gentry's Gig, and Commercial carts
While having a break from painting figures I was keen to utilise some of my own home-cast carts, and some wheels kindly supplied by a friend. I wanted to see how far my castings could be converted into other forms of 18th century transport. Here is my attempt to represent a Gig, a light weight form of carriage that appeared in about 1780. Have also made a better man-handled street cart. Finally, the French Revolutionaries have also gained another provisions cart.
Friday, 3 November 2017
Although I have not painted any figures for a while I was able to set aside some time to clear the flash and undercoat about 150 castings. I really do hate doing this, but it has to be done, and it clears the deck for when I do pick up the brush, in addition to the freedom to choose the unit I would like to complete. Recent arrivals, and largely flash free were some superb Crann Tara dismounted hussars. Must now decide which units will they represent.
Sunday, 15 October 2017
Scratch Built Mediterranean Houses
Not much painting of figures lately, but I was interested to try my hand at using some corrugated cardboard which had arrived as packaging, and I had kept aside for about six months. The idea was to put together some smaller farm buildings which could serve in the French Revolution, or for many other conflicts in southern Europe over several centuries. Working on and off over two days, completed three buildings, and improved the roof on another older model.
Friday, 13 October 2017
British Corps of Marines at Greenwich
In addition to wargaming the French Revolutionary Wars, I also founded and run a living history group portraying Captain Pellew's Landing Party, being a detachment of Royal Navy and British marines c.1793. Earlier this year we were commissioned to support, over four days, a tall ships event in London. Those visiting the event must have numbered tens of thousands, and some fine photos were taken of our living history display. Imagine the surprise when having a chat with a wargaming friend, Chris Gregg, it turns out that he had spent some time photographing our portrayal with neither of us being aware of each others attendance. Here are a few photos taken of this event, including some by Chris. May I also invite followers to visit his own blog as he has a reputation for painting military subjects, and special commissions can be negotiated. (See Links)
Sunday, 24 September 2017
Scratch built Windmill 14th to 18th Century
Finally decided to build a generic windmill, suitable for use in several periods. This is based on the type that appeared in Spain in the 14th century but continued as a popular style for many centuries more. The basic wood cylinder was originally part of a sugar container picked up in a charity shop for £1. My plan included, however, the incorporation of a Swiss music box that was previously part of my late mother's jewellery box, which also included a spinning ballerina. The tune being a fairly well known Spanish melody. With no intention of keeping the jewellery box, I could see a fun potential if I could include it in my windmill model; music and moving sails no less. Pleased to report, it works, and I can't help smiling each time I wind the key inside the cylinder.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017
The Legion des Allobroges, all three sections form up
Among my recent castings are some cavalrymen for my Allobroges Legion. And I have also just put together a few artillerymen to operate the legion's own artillery section.
Monday, 11 September 2017
A Surprise Night Attack in Flanders, 1793
With a guest staying over on Friday night, we decided it would be nice to have a small scale war-game set during the French Revolutionary Wars. The simple scenario comprised a town in Flanders held by a brigade of Republican troops. Although the garrison was of mixed quality it was well fortified in their positions. Now the Allies besieging the town outnumbered this garrison but time was against a prolonged siege and so, a brigade of elite Allied troops with several gentleman volunteers would make a surprise night attack against a key redoubt. As silence was vital to the likely success of this action it was decided that flints should be removed from all firelocks to stop misfires. It would take a full stationary move to replace these flints, but only if the enemy had become aware of this assault, and they were so ordered.
The garrison commander had wisely established several outworks where company strong units had been posted to forewarn of any likely attacks. And, every MOVE, the garrison commander would dice to see if they fired a flare (dice 5 or 6), if this occurred, any unit within 24" of the Allied column should also through a dice to see if they spot the approaching column (dice 5 or 6).
Movement by the allies would be difficult, good or bad there was to be no moonlight for this surprise attack. The Brigade was to comprise a column of three battalions, each formed up in line. A dice would determine the move distance for each battalion.
For the record, the ALARM would comprise shouting for that MOVE, firing could only occur on the following MOVE. A charge move is not determined by dice (8") but usual reductions for terrain may apply, and a dice must be thrown by the garrison to see if the alarm is given during the charge. Or were the sentries fast asleep?
At the agreed time the column set off towards the objective. But the ground was exceedingly boggy and movement was dreadfully slow. The two rear battalions also fell somewhat behind as the ground was now a quagmire. (After four moves the column had barely covered six inches.) The first flare appeared in the sky, but no further reaction. A second flare followed on move six, and a company of grenadiers in a local barn reacted. The total alarm now spread quickly, even the dark could not limit occasional casualties as the column received fire on both flanks, and a battery of 8pdrs opened up on their front. With all hope lost of taking the official position, George, commanding the column, advanced two battalions at the right flank outpost Not particularly fortified and manned by the Batave Legion infantry and some Paris National Guard chasseurs, their musketry could not stop a fair charge, and after a brief melee left the field in a rout. But with casualties mounting, and with no hope of securing the official position, George decided to pull out. Now the French commander, Chris, saw this as no such conclusion, and pursued with his white-coated grenadier company and several companies of Foot Gendarmes. Here, at least, the 18th Regiment of Foot about faced and delivered a volley which scattered the French grenadiers, and the Allied column returned to their camp. Casualties for the Allies on a 1:25 ratio were as follows: Loyal Emigres 500 strong (300 K+W), Light Battalion 500 strong (100 K+W), 18th Foot 500 strong (25 K+W). The Garrison lost: French Grenadiers (50 K+W), Batave Legion (125 K+W), but a further 425 are reported as missing during the night. So, the surprise night attack failed, but that is fate (and Chris is peculiarly lucky with war-games dice!). A special prize to the gallantry of the Loyal Emigres, forced to retire with over 50% casualties but never routing, and also to the accuracy of the French artillery crews.
NOTE This game had two objectives. Firstly to capture some of the stress in carrying out a surprise attack. Secondly, to fight a game which would take no more than two hours to actually set up and play. Both were fully achieved at 1 hour, 57 minutes.
The garrison commander had wisely established several outworks where company strong units had been posted to forewarn of any likely attacks. And, every MOVE, the garrison commander would dice to see if they fired a flare (dice 5 or 6), if this occurred, any unit within 24" of the Allied column should also through a dice to see if they spot the approaching column (dice 5 or 6).
Movement by the allies would be difficult, good or bad there was to be no moonlight for this surprise attack. The Brigade was to comprise a column of three battalions, each formed up in line. A dice would determine the move distance for each battalion.
For the record, the ALARM would comprise shouting for that MOVE, firing could only occur on the following MOVE. A charge move is not determined by dice (8") but usual reductions for terrain may apply, and a dice must be thrown by the garrison to see if the alarm is given during the charge. Or were the sentries fast asleep?
At the agreed time the column set off towards the objective. But the ground was exceedingly boggy and movement was dreadfully slow. The two rear battalions also fell somewhat behind as the ground was now a quagmire. (After four moves the column had barely covered six inches.) The first flare appeared in the sky, but no further reaction. A second flare followed on move six, and a company of grenadiers in a local barn reacted. The total alarm now spread quickly, even the dark could not limit occasional casualties as the column received fire on both flanks, and a battery of 8pdrs opened up on their front. With all hope lost of taking the official position, George, commanding the column, advanced two battalions at the right flank outpost Not particularly fortified and manned by the Batave Legion infantry and some Paris National Guard chasseurs, their musketry could not stop a fair charge, and after a brief melee left the field in a rout. But with casualties mounting, and with no hope of securing the official position, George decided to pull out. Now the French commander, Chris, saw this as no such conclusion, and pursued with his white-coated grenadier company and several companies of Foot Gendarmes. Here, at least, the 18th Regiment of Foot about faced and delivered a volley which scattered the French grenadiers, and the Allied column returned to their camp. Casualties for the Allies on a 1:25 ratio were as follows: Loyal Emigres 500 strong (300 K+W), Light Battalion 500 strong (100 K+W), 18th Foot 500 strong (25 K+W). The Garrison lost: French Grenadiers (50 K+W), Batave Legion (125 K+W), but a further 425 are reported as missing during the night. So, the surprise night attack failed, but that is fate (and Chris is peculiarly lucky with war-games dice!). A special prize to the gallantry of the Loyal Emigres, forced to retire with over 50% casualties but never routing, and also to the accuracy of the French artillery crews.
NOTE This game had two objectives. Firstly to capture some of the stress in carrying out a surprise attack. Secondly, to fight a game which would take no more than two hours to actually set up and play. Both were fully achieved at 1 hour, 57 minutes.
Monday, 4 September 2017
Hussars of Death c.1792
Recently completed this unit of French cavalry. At least two revolutionary units of hussars wore black uniforms. This one, raised in Paris, mustered 130 to 190 men, formed into one squadron of two companies. It only had a brief service record but was quite active, mainly in the North, before being incorporated into the 13th Chasseurs. These are my own castings on Hinchcliffe horses. There are several variations given for the uniform, such as a black wool shabraque, but supply issues could explain these differences.
Tuesday, 29 August 2017
French Cavalry c.1792 FIELD DAY
My original collection comprised six squadrons of cavalry, with a modest total of 36 troopers. With my adoption of a 1:25 ratio, and linked to typical field returns, the corps of cavalry has been increased and also revamped. Here are photos of some of the units now ready for active service, with guidons having been issued. Those in green/yellow are the 4th Chasseurs, the green/pink belong to the 7th Chasseurs. Next is the 5th Dragoon Regiment. Those in grey/red belong to the 3rd Hussars, those in blue/red belong to the 4th Hussars. The unit with mirliton hats and green/pink coats are the Moselle Legion Hussars (aka Kellermann's). Most of the above are Dixon Miniatures, but the Moselle hussars are my own on Hinchcliffe horses.
Sunday, 6 August 2017
News from the French Camp, cavalry guidons and standards have arrived
Decided to paint up a batch of French cavalry guidons for the 1792-6 period. Eight are now pretty well complete, and a flag was also issued to a light battalion. Surviving examples indicate a basic design for the various cavalry arms but these were then ornamented in a regimental or idiosyncratic manner.
French flags
Monday, 17 July 2017
The French Cavalry are in a total mess!
I mentioned to CB, recently on this page, that my French Revolutionary cavalry are in a very bad way. That I was not only raising new units, but reconstituting and increasing others. That this plan was to involve casting some of my own specials, and purchasing quite a few more from Dixon. Truly, my little collection is in a total mess. Hope those that follow this blog will not be offended if I prove this point with a photograph. I know the real Revolutionary cavalry were reported as being often in an irregular state, but this is ridiculous. So now the work can begin.
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