Wargame Rules, Ratios, etc


I am very keen to keep my wargame rules as simple as possible, yet capture the character of the 1790s. Morale dominates the games as the opposing sides are very different. Most of the French troops are 'levee' battalions, which I have chosen to base in column as their ability to change formation on a battlefield must have been limited, nor do I believe their volley fire had any great value. Of better quality, able to change formation, will be white-coated regular and blue-coated volunteer battalions, aided by a fair number of skirmishers. The British, Austrian, Dutch and German armies are often outnumbered, but they maintain the discipline and order of typical 18th century armed forces. Interestingly, French revolutionary cavalry have little in common with their later Napoleonic counterparts, the former are few in number, often poorly mounted, and no match for those in the service of the Allies. All figures are 28mm in scale, using a 1=25 ratio.


Friday, 20 April 2018

Campaign News No1. (Dutch begin to Muster c.1792)

British petitions to the Dutch to prepare for a war with the French Revolutionary Government have begun to hit home. A second light cavalry regiment has completed its establishment. The Black Hussars can field 200 mounted (8 figs.) and 150 dismounted (6 figs.). The Beon Legion continues to recruit French royalist emigres, some one hundred (4 figs.) having been mustered into a hussar section. They are now on route to join the legion's chasseurs which have already been deployed on the border. MGB

(Black Hussars are Elite Mins, dismounted are Crann Tara, Beon are home cast and converts.)


Tuesday, 10 April 2018

British Cavalry are recruiting, c.1793

As mentioned on my other wargaming blog, have just completed the basing to seventy-four castings, mainly horses, in all periods. For the French Revolutionary wars the York Hussars have gained a dismounted troop and two more figures mounted. The Salm Hussars and the 9th Light Dragoons have also increased their establishment, and a French dragoon casting wearing a cloak has been converted into the start of a second light dragoon unit. Most importantly, twenty-four horses are painted and based for two Dutch cavalry regiments and the Dutch Black Hussars. The latter has also gained a dismounted section.  This has been a useful two days.

Sunday, 1 April 2018

State of my Spares Box, April 2018

Hope readers will forgive me recording my latest stock take, or work-sheet, which I have just calculated. I have 146 figures on the painting table that are already undercoated or even half-painted. And there is a further 61 castings that still require cleaning, undercoating, painting, and basing. I think this assessment is actually very feasible. So I'm even keener now to achieve the scenario where those boxes full of castings, small bags storing spare weapons, odds and ends for conversion work, and not forgetting those containers holding basing materials really do disappear. While its far from impossible some new purchases will probably arrive to increase this project, I will strive to keep to the plan. Wish me luck. (My fear is this date might prove all too appropriate lol.)

18TH CENTURY PROJECTS drawing from the above calculations.
1. French Artillery in the process of being re-constituted for the FRW.
2. A new British regiment for the AWI.
3. Three more Dutch cavalry regiments nearing completion for the FRW.
4. Two cavalry units for the British in the AWI.
5. More home-defence and security for my Georgian town.
6. French Intelligence service becomes operational.
7. CAMPAIGN, British expeditionary force prepares to embark (FRW).